Child Development Infoline

If you need help finding services or supports for you or your baby, call Child Development Infoline at 1-800-505-7000. Care coordinators can help you get connected to services you may need, such as health care, health insurance, WIC, SNAP, baby items, home visiting or other pregnancy support services. Once your baby has arrived, we can help you connect to other community resources that can help support your baby’s growth and development.

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WIC Program

The Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children, better known as the WIC Program, provides supplemental foods, health care referrals, nutrition education, and breastfeeding promotion and support to low-income pregnant, breastfeeding, and non-breastfeeding postpartum women, and to infants and children up to age five who are found to be at nutritional risk.

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Diaper Bank

Providing diapers, period supplies, incontinence products and other basic health needs to families throughout CT.

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Insurance Resources

Connecticut has many potential options for health insurance coverage for you and your family.

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Information and Tips About Help With Housing

This resource from 211 can help you learn about housing options.

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Financial Information for Families

Need help paying for child care or camps, food, or health insurance? Connecticut has many programs and organizations that can help.

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Caring Closet: Supplies for Babies

The Caring Closet in Bristol offers income eligible families basic need item free-of-charge. Services are intended for community members who are experiencing difficulty meeting their daily needs. The program operates on a first-come, first-served basis. All items are supplied through community donations and may not always be in stock. The Caring Closet is currently operating by appointment only. Supply availability includes diapers, wipes, body wash, baby food and formula.

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CT Office of Early Childhood- Parenting Support Resources

This page has support resources, information, and links for pregnant people and their families as well as parents with babies and/or older children.

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CT 211 Family Care Plan Tool

A Family Care Plan lists services and resources you and your family could use to support your infant’s ongoing health, development, safety and well-being. The plan also includes your family’s physical, social and emotional health; substance use disorder treatment; parenting skills; and readiness to care for your infant. This tool can help a person identify resources in the community for their family care plan.

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Greater Hartford Harm Reduction Alliance

Greater Hartford Harm Reduction Alliance provides various Harm Reduction services across CT, such as HIV & HEP C testing, SSPs & naloxone.

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Latino Outreach

DMHAS Latino Outreach provide regional community outreach services, through 5 specific local agencies, designed to reduce the stigma that surrounds substance use in the Latino community and to provide people with referrals and other useful supports to address substance use. 

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Rocking Recovery's CT Resource List

There are hundreds of listings on that can help people locate services and information in Connecticut.

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Staywell Health Community Programs

The community programs offered help to reduce barriers to care and create building blocks to reaching health goals and personal development. These programs include Medicaid Outreach and Enrollment, Home Visiting Services, Connections, Smile Builders, and Ryan White (HIV Care).

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Supported Employment Services

DMHAS funds agencies across Connecticut to provide a broad menu of employment and education services.  While employment strategies must be tailored to meet individual needs, agencies generally offer a range of services including career planning, job search assistance, job placement, on- and off-the-job coaching, and career advancement services.

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